portable game

Minetest - Free Minecraft like Portable Game

Minetest - Portable

Minetest is a Free Minecraft like Portable Game. Gameplay is similar to Minecraft's where players explore, create or destroy blocks in a first person three dimensional world. Powered by the Open Source Voxel gaming engine, this game can be played not only on Windows, but also from MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, or even on Android.

Piskvorky - Portable Tic Tac Toe


Piskvorky is simply a Portable Tic Tac Toe like game created by Lucersoft. Piskvorky also known as Gomoku is a two player (you against the computer) strategic game that works much like Tic Tac Toe, but with a slight twist. The player must create an uninterrupted series of five X's or O's in a row (lengthwise, vertical or horizontal) instead of three, making for a much tougher challenge.

TORCS - Portable Free Car Racing Game


TORCS is a highly Portable Free Car Racing Game also commonly referred to as The Open Racing Car Simulator. This car racing simulation game allows you to race against opponents simulated by the computer or to develop your own driver bot and enter the driver into competitive events. It uses OpenGL for rich graphics and a real life like look and feel.

GLtron Free TRON like Game


GLtron is, as the name suggests is a Free TRON like game inspired by the movie TRON legacy. In this game, you ride a futuristic bike called a light cycle inside a rectangular arena. As you steer, your bike leaves a trail behind, which becomes a wall. The goal is to force the other players to drive into a wall while trying to avoid the wall yourself. The last player still riding is the winner.

Warzone 2100 Portable Real Time Strategy Game

warzone 2100 portable

Warzone 2100 is a Free real time strategy game created by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. This strategy style game offers single player, campaign, and online multiplayer skirmish modes. It is currently being maintained and released at source forge.

Atomic Tanks Portable


Atomic Tanks Portable (Atanks) is an open source free portable battle game. Referred to as a multi-platform Scorched Earth clone similar to the Worms series of games, Atomic Tanks is a game where you get to control a powerful tank. The objective is to attempt to blow up other powerful tanks  (last tank standing is the winner). This is a turn based game and players are offered an array of hefty weapons and items to use for their defense.

AssultCube Portable Free First Person Shooter


AssultCube Portable FPS Game. A Portable version of the popular free first person shooter game AssultCube. This action packed first person shooter game (FPS) can be played in either single player or multi player modes. It features very realistic graphics and superb game playing functionality. Moreover, networking code is super efficient making even playing multiplayer on a slow 56k connection possible.

Mega Mario | Free Super Mario like Game for PC


Mega Mario is a Free Portable Super Mario like game for PC. Upon initial review, this console-style game closely resembles the classic Super Mario Brothers by Nintendo in both appearance and gameplay. It effectively emulates the original, capturing its essence. Moreover, this iteration boasts enhanced graphics and a more extensive selection of levels compared to the beloved classic original.

Secret Maryo Chronicles - Super Mario for PC


Secret Maryo Chronicles is a Free Side Scroller Super Mario World like Game for PC. It works and functions much like Nintendo's official Super Mario Bros side scrolling game. Gameplay features include; power up boxes, ability to pounce enemies, save and load changes, etc. Similarities are close enough that I'd consider it one of the closest clones of the classic original Super Mario World game.

Savage Full Enhancement - Free RTS Game

savage full enhancement

Savage Full Enhancement is a multiplayer online real time strategy game. Based on Savage, this game is played online with other human players. The game consists of two or more teams and each team has one commander.

Bricks 2000: Portable Tetris Clone

Bricks 2000

Bricks 2000 is a Portable Tetris Clone. If you're a fan of Tetris alternatives or other block-stacking puzzle games, then you'll love Bricks. This Tetris-like game brings back the timeless charm of falling blocks while offering its own unique gameplay twists. Perfect for quick gaming sessions or challenging your skills over extended play, it is one of the best free Tetris-inspired games available for your portable gaming needs.

Typhoon 2001 Free Arcade Game

Typhoon 2001 Game

Typhoon 2001 is a Free arcade game that was originally inspired by Tempest and Tempest 2000 an Atari Jaguar Game. It was designed using the same concepts but with improved graphics and sound. System requirements are minimal, so it can run on almost anything.

Nexuiz Free First Person Shooter Game

nexuiz free 3d first person shooter game

Nexuiz is another great free first person shooter game. As opposed to some other well known 3D first person shooters, this FPS game looks and plays great and has outstanding graphics. All without requiring a super fast graphics card or really expensive gaming system hardware. It is also portable game, meaning that it can be run directly from a USB flash drive or other removable device.