Portable VoIP Tools

Portable Voice over IP (VOIP) Clients

12VOIP - Portable Voice Over IP

12voip free voip12Voip is free Portable Voice Over IP software (Internet Phone). Like many other VOIP products, it enables a computer user with internet access to have superb high quality voice conversations with friends and relatives from all over the world.

Make Skype Portable VoIP

screenshot-of-skype-running-portablyMaking Skype Portable; Skype is one of the more popular VOIP or Voice over IP peer to peer telephony clients.

Codyssey Skype Portable Launcher

skype portableHere is a Codyssey Skype Portable launcher that can be used to convert an existing installation of Skype VOIP software on your PC to a portable Skype version that can be stored and run from a USB drive.

TeamTalk - Portable VOIP

teamtalk-screenshotTeamTalk is Portable VoIP software that enables a user to easily communicate with their friends, colleagues or clients via Voice over IP communication. Much like TeamSpeak, with TeamTalk any number of people can participate in a conference type conversation, only limited by the bandwidth available to each user.

Loudtalks Lite - Push to Talk PTT VOIP

extract-loudtalks-to-your-flashdriveLoudtalks Lite is a Free Portable Tool that supports Push to Talk (PTT) Voice Over IP (VOIP) communication. It functions similar to popular software like Skype.

PicoPhone - Free VOIP Internet Phone

picophone-free-voipPicoPhone is a Free VOIP Internet Phone application with chat. The author created PicoPhone because most Internet phones use overly complex protocols that can cause problems when used with NAPT routers.

Phoner Lite - VOIP

phoner-lite-free-internet-phonePhoner Lite is a Portable VOIP (Voice Over IP) or Internet Phone that can be used to "make phone calls using your computer" enabling you to establish Voice over IP communication with your friends, colleagues, clients and more. Phoner Lite is Freeware and shares the same basic code as Phoner, however utilizes a different GUI.

Phoner - Portable VoIP

phoner-voip-screenshotPhoner is Free electronic portable VoIP Internet Phone software that enables a user to make and receive VoIP calls through SIP. Perform Voice over IP communication with your friends, colleagues, clients etc.