Make Skype Portable VoIP


Making Skype Portable; Skype is one of the more popular VOIP or Voice over IP peer to peer telephony clients. VOIP clients allow you to communicate with others using your internet connection. In the following tutorial, we explain how to run Skype from a USB device and bring the application with you, wherever you go.

Skype running Portably

Make Skype Portable

Skype is a trademark of Skype Limited

The was created by Rob Loach

How to make Skype portable

  1. Download Rob's and extract the contents to your USB device
  2. Download Skype and run the installer
  3. Navigate to where Skype.exe was installed. Typically C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\
  4. Copy Skype.exe to the Skype folder on your USB device
  5. Use the PortableSkype.exe file on your USB device to launch Skype

To Remove Skype from your computer

Click Start/Run and type APPWIZ.CPL in the run box. Click OK and proceed to uninstall or remove Skype from your PC.

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