Portable Application Suites

Suite Packages that offer a collection of Portable Applications

IObit Toolbox - Portable PC Tool Kit

IObit Toolbox - Portable ToolkitIObit Toolbox is a free portable collection of tools that can be used to diagnose, repair, and prevent PC problems. Known as "The Ultimate Toolkit for Fixing PC Problems" it includes a

LiberKey Portable Application Suite

liberkey-portable-suiteLiberKey; A Portable Application Suite of Open Source and Free Software that can be stored and run directly from a USB device. Basic, Standard and Ultimate editions of the Portable Software Suite are available and new software can easily be added.

PortableApps Suite of Portable Applications

portable apps platform suitePortableApps Suite is a Portable Applications Suite offered by Rare Ideas LLC. The suite consists of a complete collection of portable software including a web browser, email client, office suite, calendar/scheduler, instant messaging client, antivirus, audio player, sudoku game, password manager, PDF reader, minesweeper game, and also utilizes a Portable Launcher to help keep things organized.