Atomic Tanks Portable

Atomic Tanks Portable (Atanks) is an open source free portable battle game. Referred to as a multi-platform Scorched Earth clone similar to the Worms series of games, Atomic Tanks is a game where you get to control a powerful tank. The objective is to attempt to blow up other powerful tanks  (last tank standing is the winner). This is a turn based game and players are offered an array of hefty weapons and items to use for their defense.

Atomic Tanks Portable Game

Atomic Tanks Portable Game

Atomic Tanks is a turn-based artillery game similar to the classic game Scorched Earth. Players control tanks on a 2D battlefield and take turns firing various weapons at each other with the goal of being the last tank standing.

Key Features include:

  • Weapons and Tools: The game offers a wide range of weapons, from simple shells to advanced missiles, as well as defensive tools like shields.
  • Terrain Interaction: The landscape is destructible, meaning that each shot can change the terrain, creating craters or obstacles.
  • Weather Effects: Wind and other environmental factors can influence the trajectory of shots, adding an extra layer of strategy.
  • Multiplayer: AT can be played against computer-controlled opponents or in multiplayer mode with other players.


  • Players adjust the angle and power of their shots, taking into account the wind and terrain.
  • Each player selects their weapon before firing.
  • Players earn money based on their performance, which can be used to buy better weapons and defenses in subsequent rounds.

Atomic Tanks is available on multiple platforms and is often enjoyed by fans of retro-style strategy games.

Specification and Downloading