Savage Full Enhancement - Free RTS Game


Savage Full Enhancement is a multiplayer online real time strategy game. Based on Savage, this game is played online with other human players. The game consists of two or more teams and each team has one commander.

Savage Full Enhancement | Portable RTS Game

Savage Full Enhancement | Capture the Flag
Savage Portable RTS - Playing Capture the Flag

The first player who selects the command button has the opportunity to be the teams commander. The commander designates weapons, places buildings to be built, and commands the entire team. The team can vote to eject the current commander and can vote in a new commander if they choose. The rest of the players play the game like a first or third person shooter, they can also help build buildings and gather resources.

Savage Gameplay
Savage Portable Gameplay

The Savage Full Enhancement package prevents many exploits and cheats and improves upon the (GUI) look and feel of the game. SFE implements features such as multi-team gameplay, capture the flag, weather effects and lag compensation.

Savage Portable Real Time Strategy Game
Savage is a Free Portable Real Time Strategy Game

Savage Full Enhancement Specifications | Official Site | Download

  • Authors Website: Project Page
  • License: Freeware
  • Extracted File Size: At the time of this post, it requires roughly 163MB of free space for complete stand alone installation.
  • Supported OS: Windows
  • Downloading: You can get this free game HERE

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