Warzone 2100 Portable Real Time Strategy Game


Warzone 2100 is a Free real time strategy game created by Pumpkin Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. This strategy style game offers single player, campaign, and online multiplayer skirmish modes. It is currently being maintained and released at source forge.

Warzone 2100 | Free Real Time Strategy Game

Warzone 2100 Portable
Warzone 2100 Portable Gameplay

This multiplayer game utilizes a portable wrapper originally written by portableapps to allow you to bring it with you as a portable game. Gameplay works much like Command and Conquer but is entirely Open Source (so anyone can dig in to see how it works, and make changes). It features an extensive tech tree with over 400 different technologies and a unique unit design system.

Warzone 2100 Specifications | Official Site | Download

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