Secure File Deletion Software

Free Secure File Deletion Software: USB portable tools that can be used to help you delete or wipe files from your hard drive.

Portable FileASSASSIN - Remove Locked Files

remove locked files: Portable FileAssassin

Remove Locked Files: Portable FileASSASSIN is a free, portable application designed to delete locked files from your PC. Sometimes, locked files result from malware infections, which attempt to protect their core files from deletion. However, there are also non-malicious cases, such as system processes or user applications holding onto files, preventing you from modifying or deleting them. The good news is that FileASSASSIN can handle these scenarios with ease.

DPWiper Portable Secure File Deletion


DPWiper is a small portable file shredder utility that allows a user to securely delete or Wipe both files and folder securely via Drag & Drop. With it, a user can delete files normally (not secure), utilize a Single overwrite by performing a DoD Wipe (US Department of Defense of Defense 5220.22 compliant wipe) or use the Gutmann's Maximum Security 35 pass wiping method.

WipeDisk - Portable File Deletion Tool


WipeDisk is a small portable secure file deletion tool. It can be used to securely wipe both logical and physical hard disks, USB flash memory sticks and micro sd cards. Supporting 14 unique wiping methods, this tool should ensure that your wiped or deleted data is securely shredded and no longer recoverable.

Eraser - Securely Delete Files

Eraser - Secure Data Destruction - Scheduler

Eraser is a file destruction tool allows you to completely delete or erase sensitive data from your hard drive, flash drive or other attached disk in an attempt to make the file data unrecoverable. One of six data destruction methods can be used.

DP Shredder Portable File Shredder

DP Shredder - Portable File Shredding

DP Shredder is a free file shredder. This secure file deletion tool can be used to delete files or complete folders permanently from your USB flash drive or internal hard drive. A useful stand alone software utility for making deleted data unrecoverable.

HDShredder - Securely Wipe a Drive

HD Shredder - Disk Wiping Tool

HDShredder is a Disk Wiping file deletion tool offered by Miray Software that can be used to securely wipe a drive or delete all data or contents from a drive or partition. It is important to note that while HDShredder can be used to erase an entire drive, storage device, or partition, there is no option to delete specific files or folders. The Freeware version is simply limited on its processing speed. This drive shredder can be stored on a USB device and then run via the hdshredder.exe file.

FreeRaser Portable File Shredder


FreeRaser is a Free Portable tool that can be used to shred, destroy and permanently delete files from your computer. This file shredding tool is easy to use. Simply drag the file or folder you wish to shred and delete over the FreeRaser trash bin and the software does the rest.

UltraShredder - Portable File Shredder


UltraShredder is a Portable application that allows a user to Securely Delete or Shred files. It does this by overwriting the information with random characters. If an attempt is made to recover the file or files that have been shredded using a data recovery program, only illegible information would be seen in place of the file.

Free Junk File Cleaner - JFRemover

Junk File Remover

JFRemover is a Free and Portable Temp and Junk File Cleaner created by UtilityNerd. It can be used to quickly cleanup Temporary Files and Junk Files, anabling Windows to run quicker and help you recover drive space. Many options are available and you can analyze what JFRemover finds before committing to perform a cleanup.

Blank and Secure - Delete Files Permanently

Blank And Secure - Permanent File Deletion

Blank and Secure is a freeware tool that can be used to permanently delete files, making them irrecoverable. Simply drag and drop the files you would like to delete Permanently into the window and Blank and Secure will overwrite the data with Zeros, making the information not recoverable.

Disk Wipe | Portable Data Destruction


Disk Wipe is free portable data destruction or data deletion tool. It can be used to permanently remove data from hard drives, sd cards, USB drives, pendrives, mp3 players, cameras and other removable storage devices.