Textadept - Programmers Text Editor


Textadept is a Programmers Text Editor. It is a small and fast cross platform text editor for programmers. Similar to Notepad++, it provides you with the text editing ability to edit programming code for various programming languages, on the fly.

A Good Programmers Text Editor (Textadept)

textadept - programmers text editor

Textadept is an open source text editor that is extensible and highly customizable. It is designed to be fast and efficient while providing a range of features for developers and other users who work with text regularly. Here are its key features:

  • Extensibility: Users can extend and customize the editor using the Lua programming language. This allows for the creation of custom scripts and plugins to enhance functionality.
  • Minimalistic Design: Known for its minimalistic and lightweight design. It aims to provide essential features without unnecessary bloat, making it a fast and responsive editor.
  • Support for Multiple Programming Languages: It offers syntax highlighting and support for a variety of programming languages, making it suitable for software development and scripting tasks.
  • Powerful Editing Features: Includes powerful text editing features such as multiple cursors, block selection, and regular expression based search and replace.
  • Command Entry: The editor includes a command entry, allowing users to execute commands and navigate through the interface using keyboard shortcuts.
  • Customizable Themes: Users can customize the appearance by applying different color themes to suit their preferences.
  • File Browser and Project Management: Includes features for navigating files and managing projects, making it convenient for working on larger codebases.
  • Auto Completion: Offers auto completion features to assist with code writing.
  • Built in Terminal: Comes with a built in terminal, allowing users to execute commands and scripts directly from the editor.
  • Miscellaneous Options: unlimited split views, code auto completion, keyboard key bindings, dark light themes, multi-language and cross platform support.

Bragging Points; This code and text editor was created using a combination of C and Lua code. The resulting product contains just under 2000 lines of C code & 4000 lines of Lua code. Which results in a pretty efficient utility.

This portable text and code editing tool is made available in a zipped standalone format. Enabling it to be stored and then run directly from a removable device such as a USB flash drive. Allowing you to bring your programming work with you, and then run and edit program language code and text from any available Windows PC.

Specifications | Official Site | Where to Download

  • Authors Website: Project Home Page
  • License: Open Source
  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux, BSD
  • Extracted File Size: Roughly 60MB
  • Downloading: You can get the Windows version of this portable text editor for programmers from the authors site:
    Textadept Download

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