SafeHouse Explorer - Portable Encryption Tool


SafeHouse Explorer is a Free portable file encryption tool that can be used to create a protected volume or file storage vault, making the files within invisible until you enter a password. SafeHouse Explorer uses 256-bit industrial strength military grade encryption techniques to encrypt files.  The tool features a drag and drop type interface making it very simple to use.

SafeHouse Explorer

SafeHouse Explorer - Portable File Encryption Screenshot

Authors Website: SafeHouse Explorer

This project appears to have been abandoned or discontinued. An archived link is being provided.

License: Freeware

How to Run SafeHouse Explorer Portably

  1. Download the SafeHouse Portable File Encryption Software
  2. Proceed to run the installer, installing to your PC
  3. Launch SafeHouse Explorer and navigate to Tools > Copy Files to Memory Stick

You should now have a Portable SafeHouse Explorer you can launch from USB. You can also store your encrypted volumes or vaults on the same USB device.

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