Lighty2Go - Portable LIMP Web Server


Lighty2Go is a free and portable (LIMP) LightTPD, MySQL, PHP Web server application for Windows. It can be used to host a website, or test PHP code and MySQL database structures. Enabling you to take your Web Server and Web Work with you on a USB drive.

Lighty2Go Portable LIMP Web Server

Lighty2Go - Portable Web Server
Lighty2Go Web Server

Overall, this free webserver utility offers developers a portable and efficient solution for web development, enabling them to work on their projects seamlessly across different machines.

Here are some of its most notable features:

  1. Portability: Designed to be run directly from a USB thumb drive, making it portable and convenient for use on different machines without the need for installation.
  2. LightTPD: Includes the LightTPD web server, known for its lightweight and efficient performance, making it suitable for hosting websites and web applications.
  3. MySQL: Bundles MySQL, a popular open-source relational database management system, enabling users to store and manage data for their web projects.
  4. PHP: Integrates PHP, a widely-used server-side scripting language, allowing developers to create dynamic web content and interact with databases.
  5. Convenience: Provides a complete web development environment in a single package, eliminating the need to install and configure individual components separately.
  6. Proof of Concept: Developed as a proof of concept for portable web development environments, showcasing the feasibility and practicality of such solutions.

Lighty2GO Specifications | Official Site | Download

  • Authors Website: Archived Project Page
    This project appears to be abandoned. An archived link is being provided.
  • Extracted Size: 92 MB
  • License: Freeware
  • Supported OS: Windows
  • Download: You can get this free portable webserver software here:
    Lighty2Go Download

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