Free FLV Player - Portable Flash Player


Free FLV Player is a stand alone (FLV) Portable flash video player that allows a user to play Adobe flash video files on a Windows PC. Flash Video files can be opened and played back either from a locally saved .flv file or streamed from a URL. This flash media player supports drag and drop functionality as well as full screen mode.

Free FLV Player

FLV Player Screenshot
FLV Player Screenshot playing 2008 Challenger video

  • Authors Website: Project Page
  • License: Freeware
  • Supported OS: Windows

How to make Free FLV Player Portable

  1. Download FFPsetup.exe
  2. Run the executable and install the program onto your PC.
  3. Copy the C:\Program Files\FLV Player folder to your portable device.
  4. From the FLV Player folder, Click FLVPlayer.exe to launch FLV Player.

Note: You can uninstall FLV Player from your PC once you have copied the folder to your portable USB drive.

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