ArcConvert - Archive Conversion Tool

ArcConvert is a Free Archive Conversion Tool that can be used to Convert any Compressed File or Convert Archives into different compression formats. If you have you ever needed to convert a RAR file to ZIP, ZIP to RAR, ISO to ZIP, RPM to ZIP etc, this tool can do it. This Archive Conversion Tool is very easy to use and is a Stand Alone Portable Application, requiring no installation to your PC.

ArcConvert can convert the following archive types: 7-ZIP, LZH, CAB, ZIP, ARJ, ACE, RAR,  Z, BZ2, YZ1, YZ2, GCA, TAR, TGZ, GZ, BEL, RPM, DEB, BH, Noa32, HKI, PAQAR, UHARC, LFB, ZLIB, SQX, HA, ZOO, UCL, IMP, RS, SPL, APK, Arc, DZ and ISO

To the following archives: ZIP, 7-ZIP, CAB, LHA, TAR, TGZ, BZ2, YZ1, BGA, RAR, ACE, NOA32, HKI, PAQAR, UHARC, YZ2, DZ, HA

Archive Conversion using ArcConvert


Authors Website:

License: Open Source

Download: Get this Archive Conversion Tool HERE