Rename Multiple Files at Once - File Renamer


File Renamer is a free portable file renaming software. As its name suggests, it can be used to rename multiple files simultaneously. Several multiple file renaming options are available; number files, find and replace words numbers or characters in files, add characters to the file names and more.

File Renamer | Rename Multiple Files at Once

File Renamer - Rename Multiple Files at Once

FileRenamer is a versatile tool designed for efficiently renaming multiple files and folders. It simplifies the renaming process for large numbers of files by providing an interactive and easy to use gui with various features and options.

Key Features:

  1. Text Editing Functions:
    • Search and replace text in file names.
    • Delete or insert text at any position in file names.
    • Append text to the front or end of file names.
    • Truncate a specified number of characters from the beginning or end of file names.
    • Shorten file names to a specified length.
  2. Character Group Handling:
    • Delete or replace specific character groups, such as spaces, periods, hyphens, underscores, digits, or special characters.
    • Adjust the writing of file names, including capitalization options.
  3. Unicode Support and Regular Expressions:
    • Fully compatible with Unicode characters.
    • Supports regular expressions for more flexible text manipulation.
  4. Placeholders and Resources:
    • Use placeholders for old file names, file extensions, folder names, dates, and more.
    • Insert resources dynamically into file names using placeholders.
  5. Numbering Options:
    • Consecutive numbering using placeholders.
    • Define starting value, increment, and leading zeros for numbering.
    • Automatic numbering for files with the same name.
    • Number adjustment for existing numbers in file names.
  6. Mask-Based Renaming:
    • Construct new names dynamically using masks with placeholders and text components.
  7. File Attribute and Date Modification:
    • Change file attributes (hidden, read-only, hidden file extension).
    • Modify creation date, last access date, and last modification date.
  8. Preview and Undo Function:
    • Preview changes in a column next to the old names.
    • Undo recent renamings step by step with the undo function.
  9. No Change to File Content:
    • Only renames files and folders without changing their content.
    • Prevents overwriting existing files with the same name.

File Renamer Specifications

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