WebCookieSniffer - Capture Cookies


WebCookiesSniffer is a packet sniffer tool created by NirSoft that can be used to view or capture cookies from the sites you visit and view them in a cookies table. The cookie string and the host or site that sent or received each cookie is displayed in the top section. When you select a cookie string from the upper panel, the cookie string is parsed and displayed as name value format in the bottom section.

Note: You MUST right click and choose to run as administrator on Windows Vista or 7, or you will receive an error stating "Failed to start capturing packets from the current network adapter".

WebCookieSniffer - Capture Web Cookies

WebCookieSniffer - Capture Web Cookies

Authors Website: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/web_cookies_sniffer.html

Extracted Size: 148 KB

License: Freeware

Download: Get this Free Cookie capturing tool HERE

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