portable image viewer

NexusImage - Image Viewer

nexusimage - a freeware image viewer

NexusImage is a Free Image Viewer. This Portable Image Viewer can be used to display JPEG, Bitmap, GIF, PNG, TIFF, ICO, WMF, and EMF image formats. The selected image appears in the preview window (along with directory name, image size and capacity). The side panel displays all additional images available from the current directory.

Wega2 Free Image Viewer


Wega2 is a Portable Free Image Viewer for viewing and comparing digital photos and images. Wega2 includes tools that can be used to compare images and analyze exif data with the built in ExposurePlot program, email images, run a slideshow, view thumbnails, paperclip shortcuts to images and much more. In our tests, we were even able to view photoshop PSD files with Wega2.

Ubiquitous Portable Media Player


Ubiquitous portable media player now called portable bookmarks is an All-In-One portable media player, portable image viewer, and portable bookmark manager for both Windows and Linux operating systems. The tool allows users to play video files, view images,  listen to mp3 and CD music, edit text or add notes, navigate file folders and, browse the web.

ArtSee - Portable Picture Viewer


ArtSee is a Portable Picture Viewer that can be used to display a slideshow of  pictures, photos or images  from a directory tree. The slideshow of images can be displayed full screen, as a background wallpaper and even as a screensaver. BMP, EMF, GIF, ICO, JPG, PNG and TIF image files can be displayed. The Viewer ships with plenty of options including the ability to edit the transition effects, adjust the delay between image rotation and much more.


ArtSee Portable Image Viewer

ArtSee Portable Image Viewer

Authors Website: http://xworks.ca/artsage/index.html

License: Freeware

Download: You can Get this Portable Picture Viewer HERE