MultiBoot Live USB

Ventoy - Bootable USB Creator

Ventoy Bootable USB

Ventoy is another neat and intuitive bootable USB creation software tool. It enables users to quickly create a Multiboot flash drive via a simple drag and drop interface. This tool supports both BIOS and UEFI boot. It can also Run ISO files in Live Mode or as Installation media.

XBOOT - Multiboot USB ISO Creator

XBOOT - Make Custom Multiboot Flash Drives, DVDs, or CDs

XBOOT is a Windows based Multiboot USB ISO Creator utility. It can be used to quickly create Live Bootable USB flash drives from ISO files. This application can also create a Multiboot CD or Multiboot DVD from an ISO file.

SARDU - MultiBoot USB/CD/DVD Builder


SARDU (Shardana Antivirus Rescue Disk Utility) is a MultiBoot Builder. It could be used to create a Live MultiBoot USB, CD, or DVD containing Antivirus Tools, Live Linux Distros, Diagnostics Tools, Windows PE, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and even Windows XP Installers.

YUMI MultiBoot Bootable USB Media Creator


YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer), is a Multiboot Live USB bootable Windows media creation tool or MultiBoot ISOs utility. This software can also be used to create a USB Installer for Windows or Linux. It helps automate the process of building custom Live bootable Linux USB sticks containing multiple ISO files of your choosing.