On Screen Ruler - Portable Tape Measure


On Screen Ruler is a free portable tape measure tool made by John Kummailil. It was initially created simply to teach kids about computers and software development. However, after being released with shortcuts, the software quickly grew to become a convenient, easy to use, and quite popular actual size on screen measuring ruler.

On Screen Ruler | Free Portable Tape Measure

On Screen Ruler - Portable Tape Measure

Key Features include:

  • Ruler measurements in both cm and inch are supported.
  • Allows for either horizontal or vertical ruler alignment.
  • Customizable ruler colors and transparency.
  • One unique key feature of this freeware is the use of a manual calibration method. Calibrating can help ensure measurement efficiency due to varying screen resolutions.
  • This on screen measurement software is available in a completely portable stand alone version, which can be stored and taken with you to run from a USB flash drive, requiring no installation to a PC.
  • Authors Website: Archived Project Page
    (It appears this project is no longer active. An archived link is being provided)
  • Developer: Created by Dr. John Kummailil
  • Release Date: Originally released in 2009
  • Extracted File Size: 2.24 MB
  • Supported OS: Windows
  • License: Freeware
  • Downloading: You can get this free on screen measuring utility here:
    On Screen Ruler Download

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