portable alarm clock

Free Multiple Timer Alarm - Ten Timer

Ten Timer Alarm notifications

Ten Timer is a Free Multiple Timer Alarm Software. It can be used to set up to ten different timers for either countdown or count up alarms and notifications. For example, I setup Ten Timer as a Baby Feeding Scheduler, for establishing wake up times to feed our new baby every couple of hours. Each timer runs independently of the other, and different notifications of alarms can be set for each individual timer.

Clock - Alarm Notifications Clock

Clock - Alarm Notifications

Clock is a Freeware Alarm or Notification Clock created by Max2k.  You can choose between an analog or digital clock and options are set via a right click menu. Features include the ability to set a notification or alarm time, set a text message to display in a window or play any .wav or .mp3  sound file at the set alarm time. Use it to remind you of important events, meetings, etc. Neat, portable, and easy!

Clock - Portable Alarm Clock - Notification Reminder

Clock - Alarm Notifications

Extracted Size: 260KB

Authors Website: http://max2k.com/programs.php?id=6

License: Freeware

Download: Get this Portable Alarm Clock HERE

Alarm - Portable Alarm Clock


Alarm is a simple and Free Portable Alarm Clock. The digital alarm clock comes in a variety of colors. The current Time is automatically synchronized with your computers clock and the alarm can be set in one hour, one minute or one second increments. Alarm is easy to use and to the point. Simply set your alarm and wait, that's all there is to it.

PC Chrono - Portable Alarm Clock


PC Chrono is an all-in-one advanced portable alarm clock, stopwatch, timer and Wake Me Up alarm clock. The notification sound output is completely adjustable to suite the users specific needs. PC Chrono makes for a great portable stopwatch and alarm clock solution. This portable utility requires roughly 872KB for complete stand alone USB flash drive installation.