FastCopy - File Copier


FastCopy is a Free and Portable File Copying Software that can be used to synchronize and copy files and entire directory structures from a source to a destination. Additional features include copying files without overwrite, copy if file is newer, delete source, and overwrite all. The tool uses load balancing techniques to minimize system load during the file moving process.

FastCopy | Copy & Synchronize Files & Directories

FastCopy - File Copier

FastCopy is a lightweight, free, and open source file copying tool for Windows, designed to enhance the speed and efficiency of file copying operations compared to the default Windows file copy function.

Its features include:

  • High-Speed Copying: Optimized for speed, utilizing various techniques to accelerate the copying process, making it faster than the built-in Windows copy function.
  • Batch Processing: Supports batch processing, allowing users to copy multiple files and folders simultaneously.
  • Verification and Error Handling: Provides file verification to ensure data integrity during the copy process. Handles errors effectively and provides detailed error messages for troubleshooting.
  • Customizable Copy Options: Users can customize copy options, such as including/excluding specific file types, filtering by size, and more.
  • Shell Integration: Integrates with the Windows shell context menu, allowing users to initiate fast copying operations directly from the right-click menu.
  • Command-Line Support: Supports command line operations, providing advanced users with additional flexibility and automation options.
  • Unicode and Long Path Support: Handles Unicode file names and supports copying files with long paths, exceeding the limitations of the Windows API.
  • Available Portably: Offers a portable version that can be run from a USB drive without installation.
  • Detailed Progress Information: Displays detailed information during the copy process, including speed, completion percentage, and remaining time.
  • Network and External Drive Support: Can be used to copy files across network drives and external storage devices.
  • Resource Efficiency: Designed to use system resources efficiently, minimizing the impact on overall system performance.

FastCopy is a handy tool for users who frequently deal with large file transfers and need a reliable and fast solution. Its straightforward interface and powerful features make it a popular choice for those looking to optimize their file copying tasks on Windows.

Specifications | Official Website | Where to Download

  • Extracted Size: 400KB
  • Authors Website: Project Page
  • License: Open Source (BSD)
  • Downloading: You can get this free file copying, merging, and synchronization tool here:
    FastCopy Download

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