Automated File Management Software - Belvedere


Belvedere is an awesome little Automated File Manager created by Adam Pash. It can be used to do actions on files based on user defined criteria, making it easy to automate the organization and synchronization of files. Use Belvedere to copy, move, rename, delete, or open files with other programs based on file name, extension name, file size, creation date, modified date, or date last opened.

Automated File Management Software | Belvedere

Belevedre - Automated File Manager

Authors Website:

Extracted Size: 5.17 MB

License: Open Source

Running Belvedere Portably from a USB Drive:

  1. Download install-Belvedere-0.7.1.exe and extract it's contents to your USB Flash Drive using 7-Zip.
  2. Click Belvedere.exe to run the program.

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