free screen capture

Screen Capture - MWSnap

MWSnap - Screen Capture

MWSnap is a Freeware Portable Screen Capture Software created by Mirek Wojtowicz. It can be used to quickly and easily take screenshots of your computer desktop. Features include the ability to take fixed rectangle snapshots, select area snapshots, active window snapshots, and full desktop snapshots. Files can be saved in .webp, .tiff, .webp, and .webp formats.

Greenshot Free Screen Capture Tool


Greenshot is a portable free screen capture or screenshotting tool. It enables you to take a full screenshot or capture a part of your screen. Use it to capture a window, region, or take a full snapshot of your entire screen and then save the image to a file.

SiteShoter - Webpage Screenshot Tool


SiteShoter is a free screenshotting tool that can be used to take a screenshot of any webpage. It does so by automatically creating a hidden window of Internet Explorer, proceeds to load the desired Web page, and than saves the entire content of the Web page into a .webp, .webp, .tiff, .bmp or .webp image file. The software supports operation via either an intuitive graphical user interface or a command line without using the GUI.

AviScreen Portable Screen Capture Tool


AviScreen Portable is a free, lightweight, and portable screen capture tool designed to help you record desktop screen activity as AVI video or bitmap images. It is perfect for users who need to create tutorials, capture gaming sessions, or document workflows without installing software on their system. With its unique follow the cursor feature, it allows you to record a smaller area of the screen that dynamically follows your mouse movements, making it a versatile tool for creating focused and professional recordings.

FastStone Capture - Portable Screen Recorder


FastStone Capture is a Portable Screen Recorder that can be stored and run entirely from a USB device. It enables users to screen capture from a single region or Window to all running processes on a Windows computer screen. FastStone contains unique features such as a floating Capture Panel, hotkeys, re-sizing, cropping, text annotation, printing, e-mailing, screen magnifier and more. Best of all, it will fit on a portable USB flash drive.