AM Notebook - Portable Note and Spreadsheet Application

AM-Notebookis a portable application that allows you to create notes, encrypted notes and spreadsheets, access your address book and more all using one single tool. It also utilizes a built in alarm clock that can be used to notify you of important events. It can be installed to a USB device such as a flash pen drive and once launched, AM Notebook can be accessed directly from the system tray (near the clock).

AM Notebook Screenshot

AM Notebook in action

License: Freeware- Lite Edition Only

Authors Website:

Installing AM Notebook to a USB Device:

  1. Download notesetup.exe
  2. Click notesetup.exe to launch the setup
  3. When prompted, select the option to install the (Free) Lite-Edition
  4. Next use the Browse button and select your portable USB drive letter as your install folder
  5. On the next page, check the Don't create a start menu folder box
  6. On the next page, ensure that the Create a desktop icon and Create a Quick Launch icon options are unchecked
  7. On the next page click Install to proceed
  8. You can launch the program by clicking notebook.exe located in the AM-Notebook folder on your USB device