HEX-ED Portable Hex Editor


HEX-ED is a Free Portable Hex Editor that is both small and efficient. It was originally used by it's author to modify programs written in assembler. Hex-Ed began life decades ago, as a BASIC program compiled in BASCOM under CP/M. The author has since recompiled Hex-ED in Visual C for Windows, first 16 bits and now 32 bits.

HEX-ED Portable Hex Editor

HEX-ED Hex Editor Screenshot

HEX-ED Specifications | Official Site | Download

  • Authors Website: Archived Project Page
    It appears that this software may be abandoned. An archived link is being provided.
  • License: freeware
  • Supported OS: Windows
  • Downloading: You can get this free portable hexadecimal editing software here:
    HEX-ED Download

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