Google Hacks - Advanced Google Search


Google Hacks: Although you can type search filters or search strings right there in Google Search, "Google Hacks is a compilation of carefully crafted Google searches that expose novel functionality from Google's search and map services." It can be used to perform Advanced Google Searches for music, applications, tools, books, view a map or time line, and perform many other specific types of searches.

Google Hacks | Advanced Search Tool

Google Hacks

Google Hacks is a collection of meticulously devised Google search queries designed to unveil unique features within Google's search and map services. This resource allows you to explore a timeline of your search results, access maps, look for music, find books, and conduct various specialized searches. According to the authors, this popular search utility has been downloaded by millions of people and featured on many websites.

Specifications | Official Site | Where to Download

NOTE: Antivirus Software may complain of a Trojan in Google Hacks. This is evidently because it uses AutoHotKey Scripts to accomplish some of it's work. Some Antivirus Software tag this type of Automated Macroing as a Trojan due to the many malicious ways AutoHotKey has been used. If you would like to read more about this, see this Google Hacks Trojan Article or this HotKey Trojan Article discussing these issues.

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