G3 Torrent - Portable Torrent Client


G3 Torrent is an Free open source Torrent Portable Tool. It utilizes a clean and simple user interface and ships with features like a friends and foes list and RSS reader to help you keep track of the latest torrent news.

G3 Torrent Portable BitTorrent

G3 Torrent Portable

G3 Torrent is a feature-rich and graphically empowered BitTorrent client written in Python. Though offered as an executable for complete installation to a computer. It is also made available in zipped file format which can be extracted to and run from your portable USB device.

Some of its features include:

  • Torrent Management: Queue and download multiple torrents with options to start, stop, pause, move up, and move down in the queue. Real-time list of peer addresses with statistics and toggleable reverse DNS.
  • Visualization: Advanced progress bar graphically illustrates downloaded file pieces. Graphs display upload and download rates over time for each torrent.
  • Web Interface: Optional web interface for remote administration.
  • Prioritization and Banning: Friends Priority System gives upload preference to friends downloading the same file. Temporary upload priority can be assigned to specific peers. Peers can be banned from the list.
  • File Management: Allows users to select the order in which files are downloaded in torrents with multiple files. "Fast Resume" capability reconnects to previous peers when restarting or resuming.
  • Detailed Statistics: Detailed message view for statistics and error reporting. System tray icon displays upload and download statistics.
  • Peer Information: Peer list view identifies and displays the client used by each peer.
  • Customization: User-customizable folders for storing torrent and incoming files. Customizable automatic stopping criteria based on download completion, queue status, seeding time, upload percentage, or ratio. User-customizable upload choker to determine which peer to upload to. Customizable color settings and global upload rate.
  • Network Settings: User-customizable listening ports and IP bindings.
  • Multi-Tracker Support: Supports multiple trackers for improved reliability.
  • Technical Details: Utilizes the Bittorrent 3.4.1a code-base. Written in Python and utilizes wxWidgets.

Specifications | Authors Site | Where to Download

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