2X Client Portable - Remote Desktop


2X Client portable, now "Parallels Desktop is a remote desktop client that can be used to connect to your remote desktop servers. The portable 2X-Client "Parallels Client" is available for download on the authors site.

2X Client Portable

Note that this is only a remote desktop portable client. You will still need remote desktop server software such as Microsoft Remote Desktop, 2X-Application Server host software or other configured on any computers you wish to remotely connect to. When combined with the 2X-Application Server "Virtual Desktop Server" this tool makes for a great RDP alternative to the Windows remote desktop utility.

2x Client Portable

About 2X Client - Now Parallels Desktop

2X Client Portable, also known as "2X RDP Client," was a remote desktop client software developed by 2X Software, which was later acquired by Parallels in 2015. The software which is now called "Parallels Desktop" was designed to allow users to connect to remote Windows desktops and applications using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or other remote desktop protocols like VNC (Virtual Network Computing).

Features of this Portable Remote Desktop

  • Remote Desktop Access: It provided a user-friendly interface for connecting to remote Windows desktops and applications from various devices and operating systems.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: 2X Client Portable was available for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS, making it versatile for accessing remote resources from different platforms.
  • Secure Connection: The software typically used secure encryption protocols to ensure the security of data transferred between the local and remote machines.
  • Multi-Monitor Support: It offered support for multiple monitors, which allowed users to work with remote desktops that spanned across several screens.
  • Load Balancing: It had load balancing capabilities for managing multiple remote desktop servers, distributing user connections evenly to optimize performance.
  • Resource Redirection: 2X Client Portable allowed the redirection of local resources like printers, drives, and clipboard, enhancing the user experience.
  • Remote Application Publishing: Users could publish individual applications rather than full desktops, which was useful for running specific programs remotely.
  • File Transfer: It supported file transfer between the local and remote machines, enabling users to exchange files seamlessly.
  • Gateway Support: The software could be configured to work with Remote Desktop Gateways (RD Gateways) for secure remote access over the internet.
  • Session Recording: Some versions of the software had session recording capabilities, allowing administrators to monitor and record user sessions for auditing and troubleshooting.

Extracted Size: 11.9MB
Authors Website: Parallels RDP Page
Developer: Parallels International
License: Freeware
Downloading: Download this portable remote desktop
Note: Download the stand alone zip file, not the setup executable.

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