WirelessKeyView - Recover Wireless Network Keys


WirelessKeyView is a Free portable tool created by NirSoft that can be used to recover lost Network Keys. It recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) that have been stored in your PC via the Wireless Zero Configuration service of Windows XP or the WLAN AutoConfig service of Windows Vista. You can either copy individual keys to the clipboard or export all keys to a text, xml or html file.

WirelessKeyView Screenshot

WirelessKeyView Screenshot

License: Freeware

Authors Website: http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/wireless_key.html

How to install and use WirelessKeyView

  1. Download WirelessKeyView
  2. Extract the files from the .zip to your USB device
  3. Click WirelessKeyView.exe to launch the program

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