Reveal Passwords - Asterisk Key


Reveal passwords behind asterisks quickly and easily by using a free password revealing tool called Asterisk Key. This portable password revealer appeared to uncover hidden passwords (show hidden passwords behind masked asterisks or stars) on password dialog boxes and on web pages in Windows during my test run.

Although Asterisk Key is offered by the developer as an installable executable, it can be made to launch and run from a portable device.

Asterisk Key | Reveal Passwords Behind Asterisks

Asterisk Key

  • Authors Website: Project Page
  • Developer: Passware
  • License: Freeware
  • Supported OS: Windows 11 ,10, 8, 7, XP

What is Asterisk Key?

Asterisk Key is a software tool that is designed to reveal hidden passwords behind asterisks (******) in password fields. When you enter a password in many applications or websites, the characters are often masked with asterisks for security reasons. This password revealer attempts to uncover and display the actual characters of the password.

Its most notable features include:

  • Asterisks Password Revealer: This free password recovery software specifically developed to reveal passwords obscured by asterisks in password fields. It works by analyzing the graphical elements on the screen and attempting to uncover the hidden characters.
  • Simple Password Unmasking Tool: Users drag a magnifying glass icon over the password field they want to reveal, and the tool will attempt to display the hidden password that is being masked behind the stars.
  • Multiple Application Compatibility: It is designed to work with various applications and websites. It is not tied to a specific browser or software, making it versatile in revealing passwords across different platforms.

It's important to note that while tools like this can be helpful for users who have forgotten their passwords and need to recover them, there are security and ethical considerations. Passwords are typically obscured for security reasons, and using third party tools to reveal passwords without proper authorization may violate terms of some service or user agreements.

How to Make Asterisk Key Portable

  1. Download Asterisk Key Free password recovery and unmasking tool.
  2. Run the executable file and proceed to install to the default path:
    C:\Program Files\Passware
  3. Once installed, simply copy the folder C:\Program Files\Passware to your USB drive.
  4. Click .exe from the folder on your USB device to launch the program.

Note: Once you have a copy of the Passware folder on your USB device, you can proceed to uninstall the Asterisk Key software from your PC.

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