Hide Data Inside an Image - SteganoG

SteganoG is a Portable Application that allows you to hide information or store confidential data in a bitmap image file. The image is used to safe guard your data by appearing as just an image to the viewer. Data stored in the bitmap image is compressed, encrypted and password protected. The SteganoG tool can be used to both hide and to extract the data or information from the image. The BMP image is simply used as a non conspicuous carrier and storage container for your data.

SteganoG - Hide Information in an Image

SteganoG - Conceal data in an Image

Extracted Size: 464KB

Requirements:  Visual Basic Runtime DLL (Included on modern PCs)

Authors Website: http://www.gaijin.at/en/dlsteg.php

License: Freeware

Download: You can download this Portable Encryption Tool HERE